Easter holiday activities for families at the Ashdown Forest
- Wild Wednesday 9th April - Chiffchaffs.
The arrival of Chiffchaffs on the Forest lets us know spring is well underway.
- Nature Makers Thursday 10th April - Easter platters and tiny baskets.
Learn how to weave a willow platter for hot cross buns and other holiday treats or for the younger ones make a tiny woven basket with wool. The session will include a walk to find some willow trees and see what’s happing on the Forest in Spring. Eventbrite link here
- Wild Wednesday 16th April - Nature Babies.
Fun and games to discover the difference between hares and rabbits and how they look after their babies. Find out what to do if you find a baby bird and make some clay animals to take home to paint. Eventbrite link here
- Nature Makers Thursday 17th April - Egg dying and Easter tree.
We will use plants and colourful fabric to dye some eggs and play some egg-cellent games. Make a seasonal celebration tree and some Spring decorations to add to it. Eventbrite link here